Saturday, October 23, 2010

A small sip of coffee on this rainy Satuday evening.

I always help those whom i think is in need.
But I do not like to be taken advantage of because of that.

I always talk about being very 'fong pin' for i stay on the 18th floor of my Residence.
But don't worry, i never really have any serious thought about that. Yet.

I may look serious all the time,
But i actually am not as serious as you think i am.

I may look like i don't give a damn at all,
But deep inside i do, just that i hid it so you'll never know.

I may look like i know nothing, oh yes.
But i know, You know?

I may act like a serious problem doesn't affect me at all,
But it does.

I don't like to face my problems alone,
But i hate it even more if i had to share my worries.

I don't like to sleep alone,
But listen to what i've got to tell you all when i have someone with me.

You don't like to hurt others,
But sometimes you do it intentionally just to regret it later on.

You don't like hypocrites,
But sometimes you are one yourself.

You are taught to be polite to others,
But what happens when others do not reciprocate?

You are doing what you are now,
But is that really what you want to do?

You talk as if you know everything,
But do you?

You thought you can handle your own pain, you protected yourself,
But can you really?

You hesitate,

You kept things to yourself because you do not want to have others worry about you, or get even more confused,
But sometimes, sharing is caring.


YanMing said...

jenn babe...why so emo??u just criticize urself in tht blog.

jenn said...

Yan, did i?

S3r3n@ said...

jenni...i do agree wif u...^_^

jenn said...

Thanks, Serena. Haha. ;)

Txin said...

*like* =)